Third Party


Evaluator is an optional plugin for Observatory, designed to maximise efficiency and value of a given system.



An example output from Evaluator. An example output from Evaluator.

As with other plugins, Evaluator categorises its output:

  • System: The current system.
  • Body: The current body.
  • Type: Indicates the type of body.
  • Distance: The distance in Ls from the main star.
  • Gravity: The gravity (where applicable) of the body.
  • Terraformable: Whether a body is terraformable (if applicable).
  • Current Value: The current value of the body.
  • Potential Max Value: The potential maximum value of the body (i.e. if DSSed).
  • Map: Whether to map the body or not. If the body is high-value enough, this will be Yes.
  • Order: If there are multiple bodies worth mapping, indicates the order in which to map them.
  • Done: Indicates whether the body has been mapped fully.
  • Total Value: The total value of the system.

Evaluator features a number of settings that can be customised (under the Observatory Evaluator dropdown in the Core tab).

Evaluator's settings. Evaluator's settings.

Menu Values:

  • Hide Bodies Below [VALUE]: Sets the minimum CR value required for a body to display in Evaluator.
  • Minimum Mapping Value [VALUE]: Sets the minimum CR value required for a body to be considered worth mapping.
  • Maximum Distance - ELW/WW/Atmospheric/Other [VALUE]: Sets the maximum distance to consider a body worth mapping for, in the case of earth-like/water/atmospheric/other worlds respectively.
  • Maximum Systems to show after Read All [VALUE]: Sets the maximum amount of systems to display after performing a Read All action.


  • Atmospherics worth mapping: Enables/disables checks for atmospheric bodies.
  • Notifications for bodies worth mapping: Enables/disables [[notifications|notifications]].
  • Enable efficient route notifications: Enables/disables notifications for route management.
  • Enable debug logging: Enables/disables verbose debug logs.
  • Atmospherics with Bios worth mapping: Enables/disables checks for atmospheric planets containing biological signals.
  • Calculate Efficient Route: Enables/disables route order.
  • Use persistent notification: Enables/disables a persistent Evaluator notification.